Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blogs at the library

Useful tool to talk about upcoming events, discuss books, etc.

Its Just Common Sense

The 7 habits of successful learning are pretty much common sense! Problems will basically be not enough time at this very busy branch.

Make my day #1

I met a lovely young woman this evening at the circulation desk. She had a great smile, said good evening and gave me some items to check out for her. We began to chat and she told me she knew she owed some fines. It wasn't a large amount, but after the transaction was finished she told me how happy she was that she was finally able to pay. She had been out of work since January (having been laid off by the state). She is a social worker who had been working with young mothers, trying to educate them and offer assistance with child rearing in order to prevent problems of a serious nature from occuring as their children got older and started school. She is now working for a private agency that assists military personnel coming back from the Middle East. Understand, there was not a trace of pity for herself in this conversation -she was absolutely joyous to have this new job, feeling that there were so many veterans coming back with serious problems and without a lot of places to turn for help. We who work in public service have many stories to tell about people who will argue over ten-cent fines. Had I known her story before my patron paid her fine, I would have offered to forgive it -but I have a feeling she would not have accepted. Her debts were her responibility and the library was only one she was on her way to take care of. My experience with her made my day, lifted my spirits and made me realize how lucky I am to work in a field that affords me the opportunity to meet people who enrich my life.